
[EBS입트영 5/15] Causes of Cerebral Infarction / 뇌경색의 다양한 원인

daylog001 2024. 5. 14. 19:24

15 Wed. 

Causes of Cerebral Infarction / 뇌경색의 다양한 원인


When brain tissue is damaged because of blood vessels in the brain getting clogged up, it's called a cerebral infarction, or stroke.

It's easier to get a grasp of the causes of cerebral infarction if you think of them as roads and vehicles.


Let's assume that the flow of traffic represents blood flow in the brain.

First, imagine a car speeding down the highway

It crashes into a construction zone, causing traffic congestion afterward.

In this scenario, the construction zone represents arteriosclerosis, and the colliding car is the rupture of the atheroma plaque.


Second, imagine a drone flying too low over an uncongested highway. 

It collides with a truck, causing the truck to slam the brakes.

This leads to a chain reaction of collisions and backed up traffic

In this case, the drone represents thrombosis, or a blood clot.


Even if someone is diagnosed with the same cerebral infarction, the treatment can be completely different, depending on the root cause

getting clogged up 막히다 

get a grasp of =understand 

think of A as B =consider A as B =regard A as B

speed down the highway 고속도로에서 과속하다 

crash into ~에 충돌하다 

arteriosclerosis 동맥경화증 

atheroma plaque 죽상경화반 

slam the brakes 급브레이크를 밟다

chain reaction 연쇄반응  

backed up traffic 차량정체 

depending on the root cause 원인에 따라 
