
입트영4월 4

[EBS입트영 4/23 & MP3 ] Discounted Convenience Store Parcel Delivery

23 Tue. Discounted Convenience Store Parcel Delivery / 편의점 반값 택배 When I get rid of childcare items or children's books, I use second-hand trade platforms. And instead of face-to-face transactions where I need to be at home at a scheduled time, I prefer trading through advance payment and parcel delivery. I often receive inquiries these days about whether discounted parcel delivery services are a..

[EBS입트영 4/18] Open Classes at Grade Schools (+MP3)

01:44 부터~ 18 Thu. Open Classes at Grade Schools / 초등학교 참관 수업 I recently attended an open class for my 1st-grade son's after-school program. It was a robotics science class, a subject that has always captured his interest, so I was really looking forward to it myself. The class dealt with the topic of delivery robots, something that is in widspread use these days. After hearing about the underlyi..
