
[EBS입트영 5/30] Uterine Fibroid Surgery / 자궁 근종 수술

daylog001 2024. 5. 29. 17:08

30 Thu. 

Uterine Fibroid Surgery / 자궁 근종 수술


Earlier this month, I underwent surgery for uterine fibroids.

I first discovered uterin fibroids during a national health examination in my late twenties.

After experiencing an early miscarriage with my first pregnancy last year, I was advised to undergo uterin fibroid removal surgery. 

I took two weeks off from work.

The surgery went without a hitch, and I'll be getting back to the office tomorrow. 


Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that develop in the muscles of the uterus. 

They're the most common tumors found in women. 

It is estimated that around 20% of women worldwide over the age of 35 have them.


The exact cause is not fully understood, and they don't always present specific symptoms.

However, there may be associated risks of infertility and increased miscarriage rates.

Among various treatments options, surgical removal of  the lesion is considered the most fundamental treatment method. 

undergo surgery for  /~치료를 위해 수술을 받다 

experiencing an early miscarriage /조기 유산을 겪다 

take two weeks off from work /2주간 일을 쉬다 

go without a hitch /차질 없이 진행되다 

get back to the office /업무에 복귀하다 

benign tumor/악성종양

not fully understand /완전히 밝혀지지 않은 

present specific symptoms/특정 증상을 동반하다 

present (문제 등을) 야기하다 (겪게하다)
