
입트영 55

[EBS입트영 6/20 Thu] Recovering from a Brain Injury / 뇌손상 후 재활 치료

20 Thu. Recovering from a Brain Injury / 뇌손상 후 재활 치료 The purpose of rehabilitation therapy is to help patients get back to their daily lives.Due to increasing average lifespans, rehabilitation therapy is becoming more and more important.Rehabilitation therapy is a vast and diverse field.one of the most widely recognized categories is rehabilitation therapy after a brain injury.  When brain tissu..

[EBS입트영 6/19 Wed] Performing at a Wedding / 나의 첫 결혼 축주 연주18 Tue]

19 Wed. Performing at a Wedding / 나의 첫 결혼 축주 연주 I have a friend named Knoa, a young man from Hawaii whom I got to know at a language exchange meetup.Around this time last year, he announced his wedding.As someone who was as passionate about the flute as I was about English, i confidently boasted that I would perform at his wedding.  However, I had never actually performed at a wedding before. I ..

[EBS입트영 6/18 Tue] Post-retirement Life / 은퇴 천국에서 사는 방법

18 Tue. Post-retirement Life / 은퇴 천국에서 사는 방법  Ever since I called it a career, I have been spending every morning studying English and Japanese.My language teachers are the various programs on EBS. After studying, I try to write about ten sentences using the expressions I learned that day. I share these compositions in our family's group chatroom with my husband and children.My husband also uses..

[EBS입트영 6/17 Mon] Adjustable Desks / 높낮이 조절 책상

17 Mon. Adjustable Desks / 높낮이 조절 책상 As recently as a few years ago, when I saw people working standing up at the office, I used to think, "Why do they make things hard for themselves?" But I think differently now.People do it to comepensate for symptoms like weight gain and neck and back pain, which are cause by sitting at a desk for long hours.  Recently, the company I work at provided adfusta..

[EBS입트영 6/14 Fri] Learning an Instrument / 악기를 배운다는 것

14 Fri.Learning an Instrument / 악기를 배운다는 것 I'm a working professional learning piano and violin as a hobby. I studied piano for about 5 years in grade school.If I add up all the periods here and there, I must have studied piano for at least 10 years.As for the violin, I've been taking lessons for about 3 years.I take piano and violin lessons from a married couple every other week. I learn violin..

[EBS입트영 6/13 Thu] Clumsiness / 몸치

13 Thu. Clumsiness / 몸치 I feel like I was born with two left feet.I've never properly cleared a hurdle, and whenever a ball came towards me, I was tripping over my own feet.I guess my sense of distance with things like balls was off somehow. So, I didn't enjoy phys ed Class, and there were days when I couldn't fit in with the other boys who enjoyed ballgames.As an adult, I wasn't too bothered by..

[EBS입트영 6/12 Wed] Breastfeeding / 모유 수유

12 Wed. Breastfeeding / 모유 수유 There is a saying that breast milk is the greatest gift for a newborn baby.Breastfeeding not only promotes good health for the baby, but also has positive emotional effects.  After delivering a baby, mothers decide how to feed their child.There're different methods such as formula feeding, mixed feeding, and breastfeeding.Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding the ba..

[EBS입트영 6/10 Mon] My Son’s Marriage / 아들의 결혼

10 Mon. My Son’s Marriage / 아들의 결혼 In september this year, our 32-year-old son will be tying the knot.For 32 years, except for about 2 years of military service, he has lived at home with his parents.But he is all grown up now, and about to set off on his own.our son had a brief period in school when he went astray and neglected his studies.But he graduated from College and is now hard at work a..

[EBS입트영 6/7 Fri] Our Family’s Year-end Ritual / 우리 가족의 연말 행사

7 Fri. Our Family’s Year-end Ritual / 우리 가족의 연말 행사 Our family has a special yearly ritual.On New Year’s Eve, we all get together, write down our New Year’s resolutions, and put them into a small container. Then, we open it a year later like a time capsule.On the last day of the year, we go over how well we’ve stuck to our plans, encourage each other, and write down new resolutions for the follow..
